Compassion and Caring in the Historic Core BID: Clients Housed with Support from Streetplus Outreach Specialist

Historic Core BID Outreach Coordinator Cedric Anthony first made contact with clients Stephanie and Troy on March 15, 2022. After several interactions, Cedric forged a bond with the two friends and learned that they were in need of housing. He sprang into action, connected with Lowell Jones of the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA) and together they began to explore housing options for Stephanie and Troy. Drawing on his experience and Streetplus training, Cedric was able to identify realistic and effective strategies for getting Stephanie and Troy into a safe place to live. His honesty, trustworthiness, and kind, caring demeanor, paved the way for a month of meaningful interactions and problem-solving, enabling Cedric to secure housing for the couple in Downtown LA. From Cedric’s first interaction with the clients and through a close partnership with the LAHSA, it took a little less than a month to make the appropriate arrangements to get both friends safely housed and off the streets of the Historic Core BID.

It was a tearful goodbye, but we love happy endings!