Giving Thanks to Our Clean Team


At the core of our organization's work is district beautification, and we rely on the Union Square Clean Team, contracted through StreetPlus, to keep our neighborhood looking its best 365 days a year. With over 344,000 people walking through our neighborhood each day, our team is constantly on the move to keep Union Square a wonderful place to visit, work and live.

Our Trash Talk is Actually About Trash

Each day you'll see our team in their signature green polos sweeping trash off the streets, or emptying one of our USP-purchased dynasty cans, as well as our Big Belly solar-power compactors. Through these efforts they removed more than 178,000 bags of trash from the street each year. If you're in the neighborhood prior to their start at 7 AM, you can see firsthand the impact they have on your clean morning commute. Read More

CleaningVance Klein